Bucket Factory
OPS show review/closing
The Oregon Painting Society show got a
write up over at PORT. I made a small sound piece for the show and there's lots of group work and individual pieces by Brenna Murphy, Jason Traeger, Barbara Kinzle, Birch Cooper, Liam Drain, and more.
The show is coming down on Sunday, so tomorrow is the last day to see it! Go to Fontanelle gallery (205 SW Pine) from 12 to 6pm if you haven't already been down there.
Bonus Archive Blog
So my friend and occasional collaborator
Scott Goodwin made a
blog archiving the work of our still semi-active electronic drone group Bonus. It offers up all our out of print cdr's and a few live recordings for free download.
Most of them are Scott and
Jamie Potter duo recordings, who started the group in 2004. I joined them in 2005 for the Double Odyssey CDR, the
Trios web release, and our still in print full-length CD On Earth from
Root Strata.
Oregon Painting Society opening Thursday, 1/8
I've been contributing a bit to the Portland based artist collective
Oregon Painting Society, and this Thursday at
Fontanelle Gallery we will be doing a brief performance and revealing a new variation on last month's installation there.
Swing by if you're checking out first thursday!
8pm. 205 SW Pine. Portland, Oregon